Underwater Bike Trail Challenge
The staff of Mermet Springs had a great time putting the bicycles in the quarry to create a new navigation challenge! Check-out the video below to see just how much fun was had!
After watching the video, get ready to take the Bike Trail Challenge! Below the video is a fun poem with compass headings to help you prepare. On your next visit to Mermet Springs, we challenge you to test your underwater navigation skills and have some fun doing it!
Mermet Springs Scuba Diving
Bike Trail Poem and Headings
Bike 1: Red bike, blue bike, orange bike, black. Start at the Cessna and find your way back. 8 total bikes and 9 compass headings. You can do it my friends, here's your first setting - Heading 70 degrees, bike depth 41 feet (Bike #1 located at 30 ft cessna south of Cabin Crusier "F" on the map)
Bike 2: Hooray, you made it! You found the first one. The trail is not over, let's continue the fun. You will find the next one at a place that dogs like. Take this heading to find the next bike - Heading 330 degrees, bike depth 50 feet
Bike 3: We're just getting started, we're not quite done. I hope you are enjoying and having some fun! The next bike you will find is in a city of frogs. Don't get discouraged it's just a short jog - Heading 90 degrees, bike depth 44 feet
Bike 4: If you made it this far you are very aware. Make sure to check and monitor your air. If your all set and ready, let's continue the fun. Keep going, keep going, you are almost done - Heading 240 degrees, bike depth 46 feet
Bike 5: Underwater bike trail, they said "No way. " I said "Watch me, today is my day!" I've been successful so far, it's almost complete. 4 bikes to go and I'll have it beat - Heading 330 degrees, bike depth 47 feet
Bike 6: The next bike you'll find is near a popular spot. It's explored non-stop from bottom to top - Heading 230 degrees, bike depth 32 feet
Bike 7: The end is near, don't stop now. When you complete the trail dive buddies will say "How?" Just one hint, to go up and over the plane. I know you can do it. Just use your brain. - Heading 120 degrees, bike depth 30 feet
Bike 8: Wow! You did it! One more to go. If you enjoyed the bike trail, please let us know! Congratulations to you! It's almost complete, it's safe to say you have accomplished the feat. - Heading 110 degrees, bike depth 34 feet