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Scuba Emergency Plan - Safety is Priority One


Safety is very important at Mermet Springs. 

We have an Emergency Action Plan in place and mock emergency drills are regularly performed to stay proficient and prepared. Instructors are kept up-to-date and maintain all certifications with Scuba Schools InternationalProfessional Association of Dive InstructorsDivers Alert NetworkInternational Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers, First-Aid, AED Operators, and CPR. A safe and controlled diving environment is present at all times.


  • Mermet Springs has 3 on-site DAN oxygen kit units, a defibrillator, and emergency action plan in place

  • Our staff is trained in CPR, DAN 02, De-fib, and advanced life saving

  • We perform safety checks and inspect our training platforms, along with all underwater attractions to help ensure a safe diving experience

  • An underwater recall system can also be used to call divers to the surface in case of a diving emergency or if inclement weather approaches


Emergency Action Plan - PRINTABLE PLAN

Initial Notification of Emergency

  • If an accident or emergency occurs, you should immediately notify the Mermet Springs Office or a staff member. 

  • Staff members are identified by turquoise T-shirts with the words "STAFF" in bright yellow letters on their right shirt sleeves.


Emergency Medical Assistance Phone Numbers:
  • Ambulance / Massac Memorial Hospital: (618) 524-2176 

  • 911 by cell phone rings at Illinois State Police Headquarters in Ullin

  • Massac Co. Fire Department: (618) 524-3200 

  • ARCH Helicopter Communications Center: (800) 325-9191 

  • Air Evac – Air Ambulance Emergency Dispatch: (800)-247-3822 

  • South East Missouri Hospital (573)-334-4822


Diving Emergency Medical Information Phone Numbers:
  • DAN: 24 Hour emergency #: 1-919-684-9111

  • DAN Travel Assistance: (919) 684-2948


Emergency First Aid Procedures
  1. Notify office personnel or staff member

  2. Remove injured diver from the water

  3. Place on side with head supported or on back for resuscitation

  4. Monitor vital signs (ABC's)

  5. Provide highest possible concentration of oxygen

  6. Provide emergency personnel with details of the accident/injury


Nearest Medical Facility:

The closest medical facility is Massac Memorial Hospital

  1. Leave Mermet Springs; turn right (South) on U.S. Hwy 45. 

  2. Proceed approximately 10.5 miles to Metropolis. 

  3. Turn left onto Jon Street. Proceed .3 of a mile on Jon Street. 

  4. Massac Memorial Hospital is on the left.


Re-compression Chamber Information:

Below are 3 of the Closest Recompression Chambers to our facility.  It is important that injured divers seek local professional medical attention and then contact DAN to confirm chamber availability and staffing prior transport.

•    Cape Girardeau, Missouri – Southeast Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine – 573-334-9637
•    Columbia, Missouri – Center for Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine – 573-882-1488
•    Springfield, Missouri – Mercy Wound Care & Hyperbaric – 417-885-0868

DAN Scuba Safety
Scuba Safety
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